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This is the MAT 110 PLUS ALEKS ASSIGNMENT. Click on any of the Weekly Assignments or contact the Supreme Professor straight from this page.

Week 1 Discussion – ALEKS ASSIGNMENTS

Which of the course resources listed below should be prioritized and have more time allocated?:

Tutoring Lab


Instructor Q&A sessions

Instructor videos

That’s right! ALEKS is the tool you will use to complete all of your math assignments. The other resources are important, but ALEKS will take the most time.

Question 2

2.5 / 2.5 pts

TRUE OR FALSE: Prioritizing resources and good time management will help you be more productive as a student.

  •   True
  •  False

That’s right! Understanding how to prioritize resources will make you a more productive student.


In this week’s Strayer Story, discover how financial expert, Nicole Lapin, uses her productivity skills to keep her personal and professional goals in play.

Nicole Lapin is a New York Times bestselling author, financial expert, and successful businesswoman. And just like you, she has to balance her personal and professional needs to reach her goals each day—especially while she’s in the middle of a major book tour. In this week’s Strayer Story, get a behind-the-scenes look at Nicole’s life while on the road and learn how she uses her productivity skill to organize her day, manage her time, and deal with the unexpected.

Directions: Watch the Week 3 Video below and answer a few questions.

Note: Closed Captions (CCs) are available in the video. To turn them ON/OFF, use the settings button (gear icon) at the bottom right. In the pop-up window, click the box under “Captions,” and choose English. You can also download the video’s transcript Download video’s transcriptif desired.


Skills Being Assessed

Productivity (Organization)


Organization is a foundation for productivity as well as for solving math problems. In MAT110, applying organizational skills is two-fold. First, it is essential to being productive, for example, when you organize your workspace and manage your time, which allows you to be a successful student. Second, organizational skills are also essential when solving math problems since you must plan how to solve a problem, organize the steps in a logical order, and work efficiently through those steps. Each time you solve a math problem, you are strengthening your organizational skills, which are valued by employers and will help you lead a more productive life.

Each of these problems will assess your ability to explain how you would apply organizational skills to math problems in real-world situations. This skill is valuable in the workplace and in everyday activities where math is necessary.


Use of the provided assignment template is required.

Note: This assignment does not require research, but if you choose to use information from a source, be sure to cite it. This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

When you have answered all parts of the assignment, save the template with your completed responses as a Word document titled: Your Name_ MAT110_Week_4_Assignment and submit it below.

Question 1


The two real-life scenarios below represent the importance of organization in mathematics. Specifically, the importance of being able to find a percentage of an amount without a calculator. In each scenario box below, add your explanations in the spaces provided.

Scenario 1

You are in a store and want to ensure you have enough cash for an unplanned purchase. You need to be able to calculate the sales tax for your purchase without a calculator.

Part A: Identify a situation that would fit into this scenario and explain how you would organize this calculation to solve it without a calculator. Assume a 5% sales tax rate.  For full credit you will need the cost of the item, an explanation of how you would calculate the sales tax, and the total cost.

Example: I am shopping for school supplies at Target, and I have $130 extra. I see air pods on sale for $120. I want to determine if I have enough money to cover the total purchase price, including tax, before I get to the register. Here’s how I would organize the problem in my head (or on paper) to get an accurate calculation…

Scenario 2

You are at a restaurant with three friends (party of 4) and need to estimate the amount of tip for your portion of the bill without using a calculator. Assume a 20% tip rate.  For full credit, you will need the cost of your meal, an explanation of how you would calculate your 20% tip, and the total amount.

Part B: Explain how you would solve this problem by organizing a sample calculation.

Part C: Refer back to your responses above for Parts A and B: Explain why organization was important in your thought process and calculation for an accurate solution.  You should also reflect on how correct organization of a problem can help you in everyday life.   Include real-world examples to support your response. Your answer should be a minimum of three sentences.

Question 2:


The bar graph below represents the education levels of business owners in 2019. Review the details in the bar graph and interpret the data to answer parts A and B below.

U.S. Census Bureau Annual Business Survey. 2020. Data year 2019. Graph.

Question 2 cont.
Part A: An aspiring business owner is planning their college course of study and would like to know whether they should pursue a doctoral degree before they open their own business. Explain what you would recommend to them using two specific examples from the bar graph to support your response. (Hint: You will need to review the number of business owners for each education level in the graph.) 

Part B: Explain why a bar graph is useful for organizing categorical data. Support your explanation with two different observations from the graph.

Question 3:


Explain how you would organize your step-by-step calculations in evaluating the order of operations problem below. (Remember PEMDAS!) There should be five steps in this calculation. For full credit you must fill in the blanks below with your step-by-step explanation as well as computation for the correct answer. Add space as needed.

Note: If there is no math expression above, please contact your instructor.  


The following question will give you a chance to self-evaluate, think about what you’ve been learning in this course, and draw your own conclusions about how you can apply organization effectively in your life. Your answer may be used to determine how to improve the program for future students. Your answer will not be used for marketing purposes. Please respond in a paragraph of at least 5–7 sentences to fully address the question. Be sure to use your own words!

  • How have you used the organizational strategies learned in this course to help you improve your productivity in this course?

Open a Word document to write your answers. When you are done, save your document and submit your reflection below.


Question 1

3 / 3 pts

Which of the following will help increase productivity?

  • Avoid wasting time and minimize distractions as much as possible.
  • Prioritize what is most important.
  • Take mini breaks to prevent getting overwhelmed.
  • All of the above.

That’s right! All of the above will help increase productivity.

Question 2

3 / 3 pts

True or false: Time management is a key factor in being productive.

  • True
  • False

That’s right! It is true time management is a key factor in being productive.

Question 3

3 / 3 pts

Time-blocking helps you stay organized and makes you more productive because:

  • It promotes procrastinationg on some of your tasks on your list.
  • It encourages separating all your tasks instead of grouping like tasks.
  • It recommends dedicating the appropriate amount of time to each task on your list.
  • Is a strategy that directs you to work through a list of tasks one-by-one.

That’s right! Time-blocking recommends dedicating the appropriate amount of time to each task on your list.

Question 4

3 / 3 pts

What are some of the ways you can use organization to improve productivity?

  • Organize by separating tasks instead of grouping.
  • Organize your brain, your workspace, your time.
  • Organize by multi-tasking.
  • Organize by spreading important items and tools out.

That’s right! You can organize your brain, your workspace, and your time to improve your productivity.

Question 5

3 / 3 pts

Which of the following mathematical skills emphasize organization?

  • order of operations
  • adding to integers
  • evaluating an expression
  • simplifying a fraction

That’s right! The order of operations is a mathematical skill that emphasizes organization.


Skills Being Assessed

Mathematical Reasoning


Every day we are in situations where we need to apply math skills to solve problems. Being proficient with arithmetic and algebra can help you make decisions that could help you save money, maximize your time, and live a more productive life. For this assignment, we will assess your ability to use basic arithmetic and algebra to solve real-world quantitative problems.


Use of the provided assignment template is required.

Note: This assignment does not require research, but if you choose to use information from a source, be sure to cite it. This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

When you have answered all parts of the assignment, save the template with your completed responses as a Word document titled: YourName_MAT110_Week_7_Assignment and submit it below.

Solving Real World Problems


The real-life scenarios below represent the importance of using basic arithmetic and algebra to solve real-world quantitative problems. Choose two (2) of the given scenarios from the list (do not create your own). Complete each section below to apply your knowledge of this topic to each of your chosen scenarios.  For full credit you must have a complete response for all 4 questions below, per scenario. You may need to assume or infer additional information to complete the questions. For example, if you choose the gym scenario, you need to assume how many times you will visit the gym to calculate and compare.


Scenarios (choose two)

A.      Saving money at the grocery store by using unit pricing.

  • a.       Toilet paper A is 6 mega rolls for $4.59.
  • b.       Toilet paper B is 12 mega rolls for $9.02.

B.      Choosing a gym membership that fits my budget and lifestyle.

  • a.       Gym A has a monthly payment of $50.
  • b.       Gym B has a cost of $10 per visit.

C.      Choosing the best bank for a new savings account.

  • a.       Bank A charges a $35 fee if your balance drops below the monthly minimum of $500, but does not charge transaction fees.
  • b.       Bank B has no minimum monthly balance requirement, but only allows two transactions each month and charges $3.50 for each transaction over two.

D.      Determining the best job to take based on the pay. when considering a new job.

  • a.       Job A is 40 hours per week and pays $15 per hour (gross pay) with no tips.
  • b.       Job B is 30 hours per week and pays $5 per hour (gross pay) plus tips (which average $350 per week).

E.       Determining which vehicle to purchase based on monthly payment.

  • a.       Vehicle A has a final sale price of $25,000 at 5% interest and offers financing up to 60 months.
  • b.       Vehicle B has a final sale price of $29,000 at 4% interest and offers financing up to 72 months.



In this week’s Strayer Talks, discover the smartest way to pay for a new car.

You use math to solve everyday problems. So why not use it to assist you with your personal finances? Whether you’re deciding which loan to apply for or figuring out the best way to pay off your debt, strengthening your problem solving skills is your secret weapon to making successful decisions.

When picking out a new ride, many people struggle between the option of buying versus leasing a vehicle. In this week’s Strayer Talks, financial expert Nicole Lapin helps you practice your problem solving skill to decide between buying and leasing a car. That’s knowledge you can drive all the way to the bank!

Directions: Watch the Week 8Video below and answer a few questions.

Note: Closed Captions (CCs) are available in the video. To turn them ON/OFF, use the settings button (gear icon) at the bottom right. In the pop-up window, click the box under “Captions” and choose English. You can also download the video’s transcript Download video’s transcriptif desired.


The following question will give you a chance to self-evaluate, to think about what you’ve been learning in this course, and to draw your own conclusions about how you can apply problem solving effectively in your life. Your answer may be used to determine how to improve the program for future students. Your answer will not be used for marketing purposes. Please respond in a paragraph of at least 5–7 sentences to fully address the question. Be sure to use your own words!

Describe in detail how can you use problem-solving in personal, professional, or mathematical problems.

Open a Word document to write your answers. When you are done, click on Browse My Computer to upload your Word document with your responses.

Make sure to click Submit when you are done.

View Rubric

Skills Being Assessed

Mathematical Reasoning


Probability and descriptive statistics are used all around us (think: life expectancy, batting averages, chances of rain, election results, sales, and lottery tickets). Both give us an opportunity to analyze data and are especially useful for making decisions. Each of the following problems will assess your ability to use basic probability and descriptive statistics to solve real-world quantitative problems.


Use of the provided assignment template is required.

Note: This assignment does not require research, but if you choose to use information from a source, be sure to cite it. This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

When you have answered all parts of the assignment, save the template with your completed responses as a Word document titled: YourName_MAT110_Week_10_Assignment and submit it below.

Using Basic Probability and Descriptive Statistics to Solve Real-World Problems

Question 1


Both descriptive statistics (mean, median, mode, and range) and probability (the likelihood that something will happen) can be useful in our academic, professional, and personal lives.

·         Determine which of the two (descriptive statistics or probability) you find to be the most useful in your life and explain why using two (2) specific examples.

Question 2


Read the scenario and use your knowledge of descriptive statistics to answer the prompt.

You are the marketing manager at The Best Candy Shop where the top sales item is the Dream Pop bags of flavored candies. You have been getting complaints from customers that there are not enough lemon or blueberry flavored candies, which are favorites, and too many grape and strawberry flavored candies. Your boss wants you to create an advertisement indicating, “all bags have equally likely flavors.” (That is, the probability of getting a strawberry flavored candy piece is the same as getting a blueberry flavored candy piece, etc.).

As the marketing manager, you want to make sure you are advertising truthful information, so you pull a sample bag of Dream Pop candy and find the following pieces:

·         16 grape flavors

·         12 strawberry flavors

·         6 lemon flavors

·         6 blueberry flavors

·         Explain how you could communicate to your boss that his advertising suggestion (all bags have equally likely flavors) would be incorrect. You must include at least two (2) probabilities from your sample bag of candy that would deem his advice inaccurate.


Question 1

3 / 3 pts

Which of the following problem-solving steps should you do first when solving a word problem?

  • Apply the strategy to solve the problem.
  • Understand and explore the problem.
  • Reflect on your solution and check your answer.
  • Identify a strategy that best solves the problem.

That’s right! You should understand and explore the problem first to solve a word problem.

Question 2

3 / 3 pts

Which of the following strategies is a good practice when problem solving by predicting that the situation will occur?

  • Guess and check ideas
  • Avoid different opportunities and outcomes.
  • Work toward a specific Yes or No answer.
  • Logical reasoning is not necessary.

Correct! When solving a problem, it is good practice to guess and check your ideas.

Question 3

3 / 3 pts

Which of the following is a problem solving skill?

  • Do not explore the problem.
  • Identify a strategy that best solves the problem.
  • Ignore patterns.
  • Keep moving forward without reflecting.

That’s right! Identifying a strategy that best solves the problem is a problem solving skill.

Question 4

3 / 3 pts

Which of the following is a way we may use statistics in problem solving?

  • To make informed decisions.
  • To make comparisons.
  • To better predict opportunities and outcomes.
  • All the above.

Yes! All options are ways we can use statistics in problem solving.

Question 5

3 / 3 pts

Which of the following problem solving strategies is useful when working in ALEKS?

  • Missing information is not important.
  • Remove patterns.
  • Draw a picture or diagram.
  • Never look back, just keep moving forward.

That’s right! Draw a picture or diagram to help understand the problem.


Details available on Every Question

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