
IT 210 Week 2 Discussion

Week 2 Discussion

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You have been appointed a project manager  within an information systems organization. Your job is to build an application that is quite similar to others your team has built, although this one is larger and more complex. Requirements have been thoroughly documented by the customer. What software process models would you choose and why?

First post your answer and then comment on at least 2 peer posts.

Due Dates:

Your Answer: Jan 19

Comments on peers: Jan 21

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Remember, Once you submitted, view the submissions of other students and comment on at least two.

Select one of the software scenarios below.

Think of the required features and functionality for software to built

Develop a user story with at least five functional statements for one of the following scenarios

Scenarios :

1:  A site to find and apply for internships

2:  A site to apply for scholarships

3:  A site to pay Marymount parking fees and fines

4:  A site to schedule a meeting with your advisor

5:  A site to find out and attend Marymount athletics events

6:  A site to allow users to rate video games

7:  A site for Marymount’s library resources.

8: A site for Students (both current and prospective) to see the degree programs offered by BILT

9:  A site where Marymount Students and employees can go to view and signup to volunteer for service opportunities at Marymount and the local community.


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